Azure Pipelines Running validation builds for a GitHub Pull Request using Azure Pipelines offline webhooks & GitHub Checks Rest API In this post we will leverage offline webhooks to trigger PR validation builds in Azure Pipelines for a Pull Request created in GitHub Enterprise.
Azure Pipelines Options for storing Azure Pipelines YAML files So where can we store our YAML Pipeline files? If we take a look at the Azure Pipeline creation experience we are provided a number of options which can be seen below.
Azure Pipelines Triggering Azure Pipelines with an offline source repository The Azure Pipeline team are planning to introduce a Web Hook Trigger Resource to enable us to trigger our YAML Pipelines based on a simple call to the Webhook's HTTP Endpoint.
Azure DevOps Challenges adopting the Azure DevOps SaaS offering in highly regulated industries - Connectivity In highly regulated industries I see that some enterprises experience challenges when adopting the Software as a Service offering of Azure DevOps.